in Nature Based Tourism Services
(2009 -2011)
The main
aim of this IP is to improve the multilateral
cooperation between higher education institution, to
increase the volume of student and teaching staff
mobility and on the other hand to transfer the knowledge
on innovation, innovation management and
entrepreneurship straight from research into the
education by means of organizing a practical educational
course, and by working with real world cases. The
transfer will target tourism enterprises sector and it
will constitute a positive input to the improvement of
regional innovation processes in European areas.
secondary aim of the IP is to develop and test new
curriculum and teaching materials in the topic of
Innovations and entrepreneurship in nature based tourism
services in Europe, addressing therefore the need of
improving educational supply on the topic.
Results -
The expected outputs
of the project will be (all the material will be in
English): tested curriculum of 10 days intensive course;
teaching material related to this curriculum, edited and
formulated into a uniform package, published in the web
pages of the IP; a model of e-learning which could
be adapted to be used in several different platforms
instead of being institute specific; case study reports
of the students, individual by each student, accompanied
by a presentation; innovation plans of the students; a
project website; a practical e-Brochure of the project.
TAB Project
entrepreneurs in Bukovina
The general
objective is: The stimulation of the two zone
cooperation in the business domain by developing young
people entrepreneur abilities from the Romanian and
Ukrainian border zone.
specific objectives are: 1) Promoting the
entrepreneurship concept and of entrepreneur culture
among the border’s zone young people. 2) The training of
twenty young people for seven months regarding the start
up, development and financing opportunities of a
business and forming these in the business domain; 2)
The offering of specialty consultancy to eighteen young
people in making a business plan. 4) The collaboration
opportunities identification with young people from
Ukraine and upgrading the information flow between young
people and the organizations which support
entrepreneurship in the border regions.
The project
endorses the pursuance of next results:
trained young people regarding the start up, developing
and financing a business and with advanced abilities
needed to unfold some activities in the economical
domain, five viable business plans for the border
region, at least one established firm, creating durable
relations between young people in the Romanian and
Ukrainian frontier zone; creating and publishing on the
site a data base with information regarding the
entrepreneurship, the business ideas which can be
deployed in the zone; a site which will promote the
entrepreneurship and entrepreneur culture and a forum on
which will be broached entrepreneurship domain topics;
informing 200 persons regarding the entrepreneurship
situation in Bucovina.
Enterprise level Inno-tools –
Innovation tool-box in European peripheral areas
Proiect initiat de Universitatea
“Stefan cel Mare” Suceava in parteneriat cu 4
universitati din Finlanda, Ungaria, Italia, Bulgaria.
Proiectul se adreseaza studentilor si
masteranzilor din domeniul economic, forestier, mediu.
Printre obiectivele cursului
o cunoastere mai buna a competitvitatii,
inovatiei si proceselor de antreprenoriat in zonele
periferice ale Europei
o informare asupra bunelor practici referitoare
la inovatie
dezvoltarea competentelor studentilor pentru a
face fata inovatiei si antreprenoriatului in mediul lor
de lucru
dezvoltarea abilitatilor studentilor pentru a
gandi si lucra intr-un context international si pentru a
invata din experienta altora
cursuri intensive pe domenii de specialitate
activitati pe grupe de lucru
vizite de lucru la companii innovative din
judetul Suceava
excursii recreative
- Clubul Antreprenorial Studentesc
este un club ce isi doreste a dezvolta abilitatile
antreprenoriale in randul studentilor.
crearea unei comunitati de antreprenori cu o viziune
moderna de afaceri, folosind metode profesioniste de
Formarea de specialisti apti sa administreze si
gestioneze o afacere
Imbunatatirea abilitatilor de comunicare si atitudine
Dezvoltarea abilitatilor de lucru in echipa.
periodice structurate pe principalele probleme ale
dezvoltarii antreprenoriale si start-up- ului in
Tutoriale coordonate de invitati pe domenii de interes
(management, contabilitate pentru intreprinzatori,
Schimburi de experienta.
Initierea si mentinerea relatiilor de colaborare cu intreprinzatori particulari din regiune, interesati
in derularea activitatii clubului (manager pentru o zi).
Organizarea si desfasurarea de concursuri pe teme
Organizarea de seminarii, mese rotunde.
Initiere in realizarea de proiecte de finantare, planuri
de afaceri, legislatie, schimb de informatie.
Innovation and Development Policies for the Forest
Director de proiect pe Romania - COST
Action E 51, 2006 – 2010
Principalul obiectiv al Actiunii il
reprezinta dezvoltarea posibilitatilor de integrare a
inovatiei si dezvoltarii politicii se sustinere a
dezvoltarii sectorului forestier. Rezultatele cercetarii
vor contribui la implementarea sistemului de cunoastere
(PSC – planning, scheduling and control), ce presupune
crearea unei retele de cercetatori la nivel national,
angrenati in cercetare pe tematica propusa, in domeniul
integrarii inovatiilor si a dezvoltarii politicilor
Integrating innovation and entrepreneurship in higher
forestry education
Director de proiect, Proiect
SOCRATES– ERASMUS - IP Innovation and Entrepreneurship –
Enhancing Sustainable Forest Sector
- Co-ordinating institution University
of Sopron, Ungaria, , Coordonator pentru Romania, lector
si tutor studenti, 2007
- Co-ordinating institution University
of Zvolen, Slovacia, , Coordonator pentru Romania,
lector si tutor studenti, 2006
- Co-ordinating institution Savonia
Poytechnic, Finlanda, Coordonator pentru Romania, lector
si tutor studenti, 2005
Proiectul se adreseaza studentilor si
masteranzilor interesati de inovatie si dezvoltarea
abilitatilor antreprenoriale in domeniul forestier.
Ideea proiectului este de a lucra cu cazuri reale
pregatite de studenti si se bazeaza pe inovare si
dezvoltare strategica acumulate in cadrul cursurilor
intensive de 10 zile.