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Research centers

Within the Faculty of Economics And Public Administration, two Research centers are functioning, both in process of accreditation:

  • The center of research in Management and Businesses Administration;
  • The center of research in Accounting and Administration Informatics.
Scientific research develops on two major coordinates:
  • In the faculty, individual or in teams on scientific domains or interdisciplinary, in departments or research centres;
  • In cooperation with other institutions or economic agents.
The main directions of action of scientific research are:
  • Provision of the efficient and effective management of the scientific research activity;
  • Orientation of the research results of the Faculty to the medium and long term needs of the society;
  • Integration in international research networks;
  • Creation of an amiable and scientific cooperation climate among teaching staff;
  • Modernization of the material resources for scientific research of the faculty.
For more information about this activitiy, please visit the Research page
